Greetings Dear Servant of the Lord,
Thank you for contacting the Office of the All Africa Baptist Fellowship (AABF) and your interest in knowing more about the AABF B-TRANS Investment project. The AABF aims to network Baptist Bodies on the continent of Africa to impact Africa and beyond for Christ. It has become expedient for AABF and its Member Bodies to be financially stable. Hence the need to invest. The AABF transportation company (B-TRANS) is a new entrant in the transportation industry B-TRANS (Baptist Transportation Company) is a firm venture established by the AABF as a mission-minded project to create a self-supporting business that can manage and generate cash for AABF believers, institutions, societies, local churches, group of local churches, member bodies and their auxiliaries, sub-regional bodies and their auxiliaries as well as AABF Continental auxiliaries (S-H). B-TRANS intends to promote financial stability and facilitate the movement of mission personnel and equipment within the All Africa Baptist Fellowship member-nations. B-TRANS will have its headquarters in Ghana. The routes to be covered in the pilot phase include Accra – Abidjan – Accra; Accra – Lagos – Accra and Lagos to Abidjan. The vision of B-Trans in West Africa covers Benin, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.
Shares of B-TRANS are available to S-H as described above. With the limited availability of Shares, Shareholdership requires an investment of US$250 per share. Every shareholder is expected to complete the form expressing how many share(s) to purchase. Subscription for shares is to be made in multiple of units at $250 each.
(US$250 Investment = US$50 Annual Returns)
Investment in B-TRANS guarantees a regular return on investment from year 1 at increasing returns in subsequent years. The return on investment in year 1, which closes on April 30, 2026, is projected at 20% of investment while the remainder of the profit is ploughed back into acquiring more vehicle to increase the fleet.
Every willing shareholding is to register to become an investor in this regional kingdom investment, which is set up for profit making. The qualified categories are sated below with the relevant registration fee:
- AABF Member Body with proof of 2024 Annual Due payment
- A group of local churches of AABF Member body: $300
- A local church of AABF Member body: $150
- Baptist Ministry, society, institution, school, enterprise (non-Church or Church group): $200
- Individual Baptist believer from AABF local church: $100
- 1. All interested Shareholders are to make their decision known before 10th September 2024. This is because a meeting will be held to allocate shares based on requests to potential Shareholders and right after the first meeting, funds are to be transferred to the AABF Account that will be shared during the meeting with the General Secretariat.
- 2. There might be another meeting for potential shareholders if there are still shares available
- 3. After the number of shares to be purchased has been allocated, potential shareholders will proceed in the process by paying through the AABF Account.
- 4. Potential shareholders may resign if the number of shares allocated to them does not meet their expectations
- 5. You are to write to the office in case of resignation. In the event of a delayed payment, you would be considered to have resigned automatically. Kindly reply if you are interested in investing and owning a share in B-TRANS.(NO ON-SITE REGISTRATION)
Thank you!
Best Regards.
Click button below to download SUBSCRIPTION FORM